Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Sport relief event Wednesday 5th February

We are taking part in a Sport relief event next Wednesday to promote the sport and the event. This is only for swimmers who usually attend this session. As part of the promotion of sport relief, we will be swimming a routine and doing this with lots of sport relief stickers on hats and costumes ( they come off!)


Please can all swimmers wear a black costume and white hat to stick to the white and red stickers on as these will look the most effective!


The routine and patterns we will be swimming will be worked out tonight ( will be from the Xmas show)


I am handing out permission slips tonight to get back to me. Your child CANNOT be involved in the filming of this session unless I have the permission slips signed. We will organise a coach to work with any swimmers without consent forms so they can attend the session but we would like as many swimmers to be involved in this fun charity event!


If you wish to attend but have not physically filled in a form tonight from me, please can you complete the attached form and hand it to me/ email it to me ASAP.


Kind Regards





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Thursday, 23 January 2014

News and flexibility!

Dear Parent/ Guardian


This week I am distributing flexibility log books to help all swimmers achieve their flexibility goals this season. The intention is for swimmers to record their flex sessions and measurements which we will do at club each month, but you are also welcome to do at home. Your support in this area would be really beneficial in helping your child achieve their next skill level and reach a higher level in Synchro long term.


We are going through the stretches each session to ensure swimmers understand the descriptions.


In one month time I will ask swimmers to bring the booklets in for me to look through to see how well they are doing, or go through any questions they may have.


We also have some exciting news for future sessions:


Wednesday 5th February- Sport relief press event. What’s involved? Wearing sport relief stickers all over hats and cossies ( temporarily) whilst making nice patterns and doing synchro to promote the event and swimathon which City of Leeds SSC have been involved with each year ( used to be Marie Curie Cancer Care). Photos will be taken for press and local newspapers will be invited and potentially local television. Permission forms will be distributed and if you normally attend the session and your child would like to be involved you will need to sign these


Wednesday 12th February- Alan March- sports commentator and host currently working on Splash will come to the club to give Synchro a try! ( and find out how hard it is) This will feature on his youtube channel ‘ Alan March Sport TV’ to promote the club and the sport. A small group of swimmers will be involved in helping Alan to learn the movements and show him how it’s done! This is Alans website


Best Wishes





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Friday, 17 January 2014

Reminder- Sunday training is at KIPPAX leisure Centre

As per my email on 20/12/2013 the training this Sunday is at Kippax as there is a gala at JCCS. Training at Kippax tomorrow is normal time ( 12-1pm land 1pm-4pm pool)


Please see below schedule:


Champs Squad ( Abi, Alice, Rachel, Elosie, Evee, Rosie, Becky, Chloe)

and 13/14 Age Group ( Greta, Georgia, Lauren, Hope, Sam, Ellie, Isla)


10am-11am land

11am-1pm pool

Coaches: Fiona & Megan


12&U squad and development ( last years combo and competitive team) and T.I.D


Land 12pm-1pm

Pool 1pm-3pm (T.I.D get out at 2.30pm)

Coaches: Sue Barrington, Gemma Wright, Megan Knight




Pool 2pm-3pm

Coach: Gemma Wright


Many Thanks



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Survey link- corrected

Apologies for the previous link not working. This link is correct and will work- if you haven’t been able to put your response into the survey yet- pleae do!


Many Thanks



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Thursday, 16 January 2014

Summer Synchro Camp

Please see below the link to a survey for a proposal of the Club Summer Synchro Camp. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please do so as this will greatly inform whether the camp can run.


Many Thanks


Sarah Speers


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