Friday 30 January 2015

Training times Feb- April

Normal training venue continues to be JCCS dive pit on a Sunday, however as there are sometimes galas which use the whole centre, and then we have to move to an alternate venue just for those dates only ( see below).


This Sunday ( 1st Feb) and next Sunday ( 8th Feb) are still at JCCS as normal and then please follow the dates below which indicate the changes in times and venue,


Sunday 15th February- Knottingly

Thursday 19th February- Provisional camp day ( not confirmed) 10am- 4pm and also 5am-9am for Champs squad ( £20 pp)

Sunday 22nd February- Knottingly

Sunday 1st February- Knottingly

Sunday 8th March - JCCS ( normal)

Sunday 15th March Training cancelled as there is a gala at JCCS and the Novice competition at Knottingly. Older swimmers are encouraged to watch/ help out on the day. Swimmers over 16 are able to help Judge the competition.

Sunday 22nd March- JCCS (Normal)

Sunday 29th March JCCS (Normal)

Sunday 5th April- Easter Sunday (Cancelled)

Sunday 12th April- JCCS (Normal)

Sunday 19th April- JCCS (Normal)

Sunday 26th April- JCCS (Normal)


Training times for Sundays at Knottingly:


Champs squad: 1pm-4pm

13/14 national squad: 1pm-4pm

E-Squad: 1pm-3pm

12&U national squad: 2pm-4pm

12&U combo squad: 1pm-2pm

13/14 combo squad: 2pm-3pm


Many Thanks







Sarah Speers

Synchronised Swimming Development Coach

Aquatics Centre

John Charles Centre for Sport

Middleton Grove

LS11 5DJ





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